Friday, May 23, 2008

Pee Pee in the Pottay!

We decided to start introducing her to the concept a little early. We bought a little toilet seat that fits on the big potty and a step stool. A few weeks ago when I put her on the seat, she was terrified, but each day, she figured out it was fun to climb on the stool and sit on a padded seat. She asks to sit on it sometimes, and then every day, we've been sitting her on it b/f she takes a bath. Soon we will add another sitting time when she wakes up in the morning. By the summer, we will try plastic pants and real underwear vs. pull-ups to see if we have quicker/better results. Even though she isn't two yet, it's a good thing to at least try working on.

Our first night of success came a couple of nights ago when she peed in the potty! We made a big deal out of it, but I am not quite sure she understood fully that she actually went. She often tells us she "went pee pee" but it is usually false. Soooo the other night, she totally peed! It was awesome! It will be interesting to see how long it will take to get her fully trained...but I know like all kids, she'll do it when she's ready. I'm not going to rush her yet...she's still young.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay Brynna! I think she'll catch on quickly... Blake already goes pee pee in the potty atleast once a day and he's started to do the sign for "toilet" when he has a dirty diaper. Supposedly girls are easier than boys to potty train.