Monday, May 5, 2008

Say Cheese

This weekend we went to the mall to get profess. pics taken of the kids and one of the new family. They turned out so nice! Brynn actually cooperated for the first time sice we started getting her pics taken there way back in Jan. of 2007. She was quite the ham and little model. :) I am going to attach just 3 of the pics from that day but there are a ton. We chose a whole bunch of photos this time, which is not normal for us, usually because we only get like one good one of Brynn b/c she cried or had red eyes in rest of them. Anyway, we were happy that we had such a difficult time choosing which ones we liked best.

I also returned to work today. It was pretty hard and there were many tears, but I made it through the day. The kids were pretty good and happy to see me, and I them. That made it easier. It also made it much easier to leave him w/ Mary rather than be dropping him off at daycare at such a young age. Brynn went when she was 10 weeks old and I hated it! When I entered my classroom this morning, it was a frakkin' pit! My desk was a nightmare and my room was just so out of sorts that it was really bothering me. After seven years of teaching, I organize things very specifically and in a way that's easy to keep up with, but not for my sub...I mean, I fountd like 5 pairs of scissors in my desk drawer...what the heck is up with that? There were like 25 folders full of shit of all sorts, student papers, handouts, just all so randomly put together. It was ridiculous. I got a lot of it cleaned out throughout the day, but it made me mad that it took me all day to find the bottom of my desk. sheesh.


Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

Those are great pics. I'm so glad Brynn cooperated :) Now the hard part is picking what will be hung up, etc.

I'm glad you survived your first day back! Too bad that sub was a nightmare!

Briana said...

Glad the picture taking experience went well this time! Can't wait to see the one of the new family of 4!

Oh I hate when people used my desk while I wa son leave with the boys. Drove me nuts to have things out of place.

Megan said...

Hey! I'm glad you made it through the first day back! Super sucks that your sub was such a freak show! Your kids will be happy to have you back, I'm sure!

Those are THE BEST pics! Love them!!! What great outfits too! I'd order them all too! :)

Unknown said...

I love your pictures, so glad Brynna cooperated this time... maybe she realizes her little bro is looking up to her so she's setting a good example? Or maybe you just caught her on a good day... either way, Yay for you guys!