Monday, August 18, 2008

Going to be BPA-Free

All this talk and reading I have done on BPA has always concerned me. But to be honest, I knew Avent bottles contained the chemical, but because we already had so many of them, I decided to stick with them to use with Baylen. Dj dropped off the daycare paperwork on Friday and our director told him that she took all of their Avent bottles into Babies 'R Us and exchanged them for BPA-free bottles. I was surprised to hear that BRU would take back used bottles, so I called the store to clarify this policy. To my surprise, YES, they take back USED Avent bottles, as long as they have the nipple and cap--all 4 pieces attached and the customer gets money credited to them to exchange for BPA-free bottles. So, I gathered up about 12 bottles and took them in. Those bottles were worth $47 so I decided to go for the Dr. Brown's BPA-free set. I love the new Born Free brand, but they are SOOOOO expensive, so I opted for the brand that was definitely more reasonable price-wise. Plus, that is the kind they will use at Bay's daycare, so it made the most sense.

Anyway, if interested, I highly suggest you call BRU and ask if they, too, have this policy in place and have interest in exchanging out your Avent bottles for a new BPA-free brand.

Here's what I know:
*The BRU cannot be attached to a Toys 'R Us
*The West Coast BRU stores are participating in this

Here's what I don't know:
*If it's a nationwide policy and all BRU stores are doing it across the country (let's hope so!)

And, be sure to tell all of your mommy friends to check this's definitely worth the exchange!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the info! I'll call ours this week and find out cause I'd rather get credit than have to toss ours! :-)

Megan said...

I will have to check that out. We have a ton of Avent bottles. We went BPA free a few months ago and use the Playtex ones w/ the liners. I love them! Waste in the landfill, but way less to wash/sterilize all the time!

Samantha said...

Good call Sarah. We use the old Gerber bottles and they were BPA free to begin with but I know in my mom groups that has been a huge topic of conversation and concern.

Briana said...

That's great that they'll do that! I don't think I have any Advent bottles here. We've always used the Playtex ones with the liners.