Thursday, February 5, 2009

I wish I could do this about now...

This is what I feel like doing today. I am so frustrated with lazy students. I have discovered after venting with a few fellow teachers that I am not the only one dealing with lazy students. Usually lazy student/I don't want to do anything for the rest of year syndrome occurs in May or June...but not freaking February. I am wondering if this beautiful weather we have had lately is the culprit. I mean usually in February it's raining.

Anyway, today my honors social studies class was supposed to turn in a project. Without going into too many details, the gist of the project is that students had a choice of writing a letter, a diary entry, or a creating a small comic book about early colonial life in Jamestown. They have known about this since last Friday. I gave them all the info they needed. They had notes. They had a rubric. They had primary sources. They had books. They had movies. They had examples. I told them time and again it was due today and guess what? only 6 kids turned it in. UGH! I was furious. The entire class received a well-deserved lecture from me. I have very high expectations for these kids and when they disappoint me, it really just eats at me. I had 3 different kids come up to me with 3 different excuses why they didn't finish the assignment. I HATE excuses. One girl said her printer didn't work. Guess what? the rubric said you could handwrite it. One girl said she still had to dye her paper. Guess what? I told you to do that last Friday so it would be ready. GRRRR.

Oh and in addition to that lovely 3rd period today, I discovered during 5th period that a student stole one of my books that I just bought like 2 weeks ago. Ah the joys of spending my own money for someone to go and steal it when I'm gone the day there is a guest teacher. Makes me not want to buy anything when that happens. GRRR!


Briana said...

That would irritate me. I hate when people miss deadlines. Happens all the time with my clients and they jsut expect me to scramble at the last minute when I told them when things were due. Did you give them all failing grades?

Unknown said...

I'm sorry you are having such a rough day! I will never understand why people steal anything other than for survival (I can justifying stealing food if your family is starving for example, even if that doesn't make it right).