Saturday, July 11, 2009

Funny Convos #336, 337, 338 & 339

Lots of funny things coming out of this girl's mouth lately!

Brynn walks into my bathroom and sees Zoey, our cat laying in the window.

Bee: "Hi Zoey! (high pitched sweet voice) It's nice to meet you!"

Brynn: "I'm a nice sister. I like to share my toys with Baylen."

Brynn: Mom, are we going to the other beach tomorrow?

ME: Yep

Brynn: Great! But we gotta to watch out for Swiper the fox! (can you tell she likes watching Dora the Explorer?)

This happened at Wendy's when we were eating a quick lunch before we hit the beach:

Brynn: (all of a sudden in the middle of eating her chicken nugget) AHHHHH!!! (high-pitched scream)
Me: What's wrong? Please stop, why are you screaming?
Brynn: Um I see a snake!!
Me: Where?
Brynn: Right there on the wall!

1 comment:

Megan said...

LOL! That girl is so darn cute!!! I can't get enough of the funny stuff that she says!!!