Monday, August 3, 2009

Just a regular convo in our house...

This can be heard at our house on an almost daily basis:

Brynn: Mom, I gotta go poop.

Me: Well run in the bathroom and go. I'll be in there in a minute.

(I go in and she's sitting on the toilet.)

Brynn: Mom, leave, I need privacy...and turn on the fan!


On vacation:

Dj met her in the bathroom...

Brynn: Dad, don't run off!


Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

These conversations are great. I can't wait for Tyler to start talking more so we can have some of these. Right now, he just talks and I have no clue what he's saying

Megan said...

Oh, that is too funny! She is gonna love this when she's a teenager!!