Monday, August 10, 2009

Molars, Welcome...we've been waiting for you

Finally! They have arrived! Baylen's molars have pushed through and we couldn't be happier. His bottom right pushed through on Friday and his bottom left made an appearance we think today. OH YEAH! He's been so much happier, easy going, laughing, kissing, playing nicely, and not freaking out when I tell him no or to get out of something. He's been eating like a champ again and we haven't had to give him Tylenol. He's been sleeping well at night and an all-around happy little Mister! :) That took forever.


Briana said...

So glad he's finally getting some relief! Poor little man!

Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

Congrats...glad you and he will get some relief now

Samantha said...

Yay!!!! I have molar envy, we have 2 of the 4 and the 2 are not all the way pushed through yet so keep your fingers crossed for my sanity! :)