Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mister Mister and his lists of firsts...and seconds

First: Mister Baylen is crawling! He took his official first crawls on Sat. night at my parent's house. There were many witnesses. On Sunday, he would crawl just far enough to get a toy he wanted or whatever he thought he needed and then stop to mess with it or play with it. He is getting stronger and braver each day. I can't believe he's doing this already.

Second: he's saying "mama" again! :) We heard him saying this a couple of different times at the farm.

First: He went to his first tailgate AND ISU football game and had a great time! He slept through part of it and enjoyed watching the 2nd half.

Second: he's sick with another cold. :( BOO

First: He went on his first four-wheeler ride w/ Papa on Sunday. (they rode very slowly and he loved it)

Second: he went on his second plane ride and did pretty well. the second half of the LONNNNG ass flight from Dalls was tough...he wasn't too cranky, he just got really restless..he wanted to crawl around. Finally, I tore out parts of one of the magazines and he chewed on those for awhile, which is thoroughly enjoyed.

Video to come later this week hopefully of Baylen crawling. (I did get it on tape)

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