Monday, October 27, 2008

7 months old...a little late

As usual, I am behind. But, I couldn't forget to post my little mister's 7th month birthday. I messed w/ the color on one of the pics and the other one, I'm not sold on yet, so I might try a re-shoot later--we'll see.

He is such a sweet little guy but full of personality. Man can he SCREAM! haha

He is a mover...crawling and pulling himself up onto furniture.

Lately he's been grabbing skin. and pinching. It hurts and bruises.

He loves trying to get into the cat food, tipping over garbage cans and eating magazines.

He is fighting bedtime...just lately. I think it's because I'm trying to wean him and he's not having ANY of it. He doesn't want to give it up yet.

He's been fussy lately @ night--I think and hope it's his teeth and not an ear infection.

He loves his food. 21 pounds 15 oz. Going through ANOTHER growth spurt this week. Again. Need I say more?

He babbles and talks quite often--can say dada, mama, and can sign for "milk"

He loves his big sissy and always wants to be with her and loves trying to take her toys or get into her things. Constantly. He instantly lights up whenever she talks to him or even when she walks into the room.

He's been sleeping HORRIBLY again lately. Maybe we need another chiro. visit. Or maybe it's the teeth. The bottom 2 are SO close...seriously, like any minute. But really, he's been up every two hours or so. *sigh* I can't wait for the multiple nights he decides to sleep through the night. For Real.

He wears sizes: 6-9 months (shirts only), 12 months, 12-18, and 18.

He's my boy. Yep...he's a momma's boy.

1 comment:

Briana said...

He's growing so fast, huh? I hate that this all happens so quickly, well except for the not sleeping through the nights thing. Olive has been off since our trip at the beginning of the month. I'm exhausted. Pedi suggested yesterday that we start letting her CIO a bit. It was torture last night but she fell asleep in about 25 minutes and then slept all night in her own crib!