I know there have been a lack of posts lately...super busy trying to finish up my Master's...THIS IS THE LAST WEEK!
It seems like the fall is always so jammed packed with activities, as we have something going on every single weekend. It's been exhausting. If it's not one or two birthday parties in a weekend, it's work stuff or a dance, or hanging out with friends.
The kids have their Halloween costumes ready, I just need to fix the length on both, try them on again, and make sure everything will work out the way we envision it. The kids are going to dress as another famous duo, and this time, after given several choices, they agreed upon a very FAMOUS duo. It will be cute if I can get their costumes to work out and fit correctly, since they are a bit big.
Brynn swears she has a loose tooth, and it's a little loose, but has a long way to go. I still think she's pretty young to have a loose tooth already, but perhaps that's denial talking.
The kids are coming home pretty tired at night after long days in pre-school and Pre-K, as well as dance. Brynn has outgrown naps for the most part, but does sneak one in on the weekends every once in awhile and about once a week at school. That has taken a toll on her and she's ready for bed quite early most nights. Both are waking up at the crack of dawn on the weekends, yet we can't pull them out of bed during the week...go figure.
Brynn just had three inches cut off...her hair was soooo long. It looks nice and healthy again. Baylen has been keeping out of trouble at school even though many of his male peers are still getting into trouble. I hope this continues and I am surprised he behaves so well at school.
Our first dance is this weekend and unfortunately, we had a big issue with the DJ. We don't have one for our semi-formal dance tomorrow night. It's a bit sad but in the end, the kids didn't work on it far enough in advance, and as a result, the rush to find someone else just didn't pan out the way we hoped. So, they are going to play music with iPods and dance mixes they put together on CDs. Hopefully it will all work out. I do feel bad about the whole thing, but there wasn't much we could do about it except learn from it and have them book DJs WAY in advance. The district has a set of guidelines that every business must follow and certain paperwork that needs to be completed, which includes a background check and finger printing...big process but after all of the child safety issues our district has had, it makes sense.
School has been absolutely CRAZY and I am trying to hang in there.
The hubs and I have been keeping up pretty well with our Y membership and exercising. D. has been running quite far, reaching over 7 miles in one run last week. He looks great! I am keeping a pretty steady pace around 4 miles but this week have had to scale it back to 3ish miles a run b/c I haven't had enough time to do more than that due to daycare closing and work commitments after school. We are running a 5K together on Sunday--our first.
I am signing up to sell bows in a craft show in December. I am excited to start crafting again on the weekends at night once the kids go to bed to prep for the show. My website was very busy in the early fall and I need some time to make more stuff.
A good thing that's coming up? VEGAS! :) Can't wait!