We have had a bit of a rough week here. On Sat., the kids had their check-ups and Baylen had 5 vaccines. One of them was the Flu shot and another was the roto-virus (oral) vaccine. Anyway, while we were at the check-up, Dr. D. said that Baylen had some fluid behind his ears and it might turn into a possible ear infection. Dr. D. wrote us a prescription for amoxicillin to fill if we needed it. On Sunday, he seemed to be pretty fussy and pulling at his ears a bit, so we decided to fill the prescription and begin the meds.
On Wednesday, daycare called and said that he was vomiting. I knew that the side effects of this medicine included vomiting and diarrhea b/c the pharmacist told me this when I picked up the meds. She mentioned to give it to him w/ food and that I might want to get some Pedialyte to have on hand just in case that happened to make sure he didn't get dehydrated. Anyway, so Wednesday, Dj went and picked him up and then dropped him off w/ me around noon b/c we had early release and Bay could hang with me the rest of the day. I had to go to the Dr. to go get a note that stated he was vomiting due to the antibiotics he was taking. I also found out from the nurse to try and give him the meds an hour LATER rather than right b/f he eats. After talking to my mom and she suggested to end the dosages, at that point, I decided no more medicine. If it was making him throw up, we agreed that it was not worth it. So I stopped giving it to him.
Now, this entire time all of this is going on, he's never had a fever, never been fussy, or acted lethargic. He was his happy-go-lucky self. He's still eating fine, both food and bottles.
Then yesterday, Baylen started having the runny bunnies. Allll day. He went through several outfits. Daycare called and I had to explain that his meds were causing this yet again. He didn't have issues all night until 6 this a.m. Then today again, 4 more times, and tonight, 2 times already. By tonight, he's been off meds for 24 hours. I gave him Pedialyte after talking w/ Kati J. (thanks Kati) about it and he did get about 3 oz. of that from a bottle.
So, the question remains: is this case of the runs from: the meds? teething? (I can see 4 teeth on his bottom gums but none have pushed through yet), the vaccinations?
if it's from the meds...how long will it have to run it's course through his little system?
poor guy!
Brynn has still had a tough time this week at daycare as well, but with hitting, biting and pushing. She has never really exhibited this behavior at daycare before. Apparently she's targeting the two "quiet" kids in the class and just making their lives miserable. She's been put into timeout several times and even sent to the office for a time out, which she did NOT like. Everyday, I ask her once we get to school, "what are we going to do today?" and she answers: "Be nice to Hudson. Be nice to Madigan. No biting. No hitting." and then I say, "that's right--we need to be nice to our friends." Well, on the first day I asked her this, which would have been yesterday morning, I asked, "What are we going to do today?" and she looked at me and said, "Ummm hit Hudson in the face!" Although this was not the answer I was looking for, I had to hold back laughter, because, seriously, that is a funny statement even though it's definitely NOT okay. More on Brynn's behavior in another post later.