Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snow What?!

We had some snow in our area overnight and as a result, school as cancelled today. We were dismissed from school yesterday 90 minutes early and I think that there was a very low level of student engagement during class yesterday b/c the kids were all freaking out about the snow and couldn't concentrate on anything else. :) Today, my kiddos are home w/ me and I have an extra day off this week, for a total of 6 days off in a row. :) It is much-needed. I worked out this morning, corrected a few papers, emailed a few people, read all of my articles for my class this week, watched the videos and took two quizzes. I took my kids outside to pull them around in the sled for a few minutes and then let them play in the snow with shovels and little pails from our sandbox. Brynn wanted to make a snow-angel. After that, we returned to our warm house for some popcorn, M&M's and a movie. It's been a pretty good day off.

Things I am thankful for after reflecting yesterday's events:

1. We made it home after a 2.5 hour drive. It's a 9 mile journey, normally.
2. I didn't crash my car.
3. My car didn't spin backwards down a huge hill.
4. Four lovely gentlemen pushed me up the hill into a parking lot until Dj arrived.
5. We picked up our kids and made it home safe and sound.
6. We didn't have to drive to school or daycare today in the mess.
7. My kids rediscovered their love for snow.
8. My kids' boots and snow pants we purchased last year STILL fit.
9. I have an extra day to get some important tasks finished, including scoping out and planning my Black Friday excursion. This year we're taking iPods for the kids to listen to while we shop...GENIUS!
10. Dj spent half of his work day yesterday driving to drop off, follow, or pick up. ♥


Anonymous said...

Looks like the kids really enjoyed the snow. Baylen looks thrilled! Keep the snow out there...we don't want any this year! Ha Love, mom

Megan said...

Glad you had a good snow day! Way to go getting all of that stuff done. What a good feeling to get it out of the way before the long weekend! :) Have a great Thanksgiving!

chrissyrudd said...

How do you do all that with two little ones? It seemed as soon as I so much as glanced at my schoolwork they knew and were there to thwart my every effort! And you got out to play in the snow! I am looking forward to that this year!