Monday, November 24, 2008


Funny conversations I've had with my kids @ school lately. To preface this first one, yes his real, first name is Moon. And for the record, he was given the name by his mom b/c he had a small, perfectly round head like the moon. Of course! haha

Moon: "Mrs. Fitz, is that really you in that picture? Are you drinking a Mountain Dew?"

Me: "Yes that's me. No that was not my Mt. Dew."

Moon: "oh. Wow in that picture you look like a grandma!"

Other students in the background..."ohhhhh did NOT just say're trippin!"

Me: "Oh my Moon, I can't believe you just said that. Don't expect a Friday note from my any time soon! (I smile) Now you've moved to the bottom of my list.."

Moon: "'m sorry Mrs. Fitz, I didn't mean it like that...wait, how can I make it up to you?!"

As read in a student's (Ismail's) autobiography today:

"So another time I was fighting with my brother and he ticked me off because he said I could play the video game and then all of a sudden he said I couldn't. Then he let his friends play ahead of me and told me I couldn't play. I was like 'what?" So I got up and socked him in the face. He was bleeding and he asked me, "Why did you do that for?" and I said, "Cuz that's the way I roll."

Here's another part of his autobio:

"I am a Muslim. IF I were a GOOD Muslim, I'd pray 5 times a day, but because I'm at school, I miss the second prayer of the day. Good Muslims also go to the mosque on Fridays, but I can't do that either because I'm in school. But, before we pray, we have to make sure we fart, go to the bathroom, and shower beforehand. That means we must wash our entire bodies before we pray in this order: ____, etc etc."

I had to pull aside another kid, Mohammed, who I know is also Muslim and ask him this business about farting and goign to the bathroom and he clarified that yes, that was true, but really it is more of a cleansing thing. So then I asked him what happens if you have gas while you're praying? he told me.."Well, then you have to start all over and re-wash and everything." He was giggling the entire time I was asking him this stuff.

Then I said..."Wow, that might take some a long time to finish praying"

Mohammed: "yep, but our god is pretty forgiving after it happens once and just lets it go."



Megan said...

HAH! That is really funny stuff! LOL!

Briana said...

HA! How funny!