Wednesday, December 1, 2010

he's protecting her already.

This was so cute the other day...Baylen was totally protecting his big sister. It melted my heart. Brynn came over to talk to me and Zoey, our cat was sitting next to me. Sometimes when a person gets in Z's space, she becomes irritated and will swipe whoever it is by biting or scratching. She leaned over and bit Brynn for no reason and Brynn started crying. I scolded Zoey and pushed her off of the couch. As she was passing by, Baylen scowls at her, pointing his finger (and proudly sticks up for Brynn) in a gruffy, snarly, growly voice: No Zoey! You no bitten Bwynna! You get away! That's not NICE!

Then he went up to Brynn and asked very softly, "Ahr you okay, Bwynna?" ♥

What a sweet guy. If they grow at the same rate, he's going to have to protect her from more than a scary old cat.


Anonymous said...

Owh...that is so sweet. Reading your blog makes me feel I've made a wrong decisions for wanting to wait till my daugther be 3 before having another baby....

Megan said...

How cute! So fun to hear about the interaction between the two of them!

Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

How precious!!