from our little turkeys to yours! We are very thankful for all that we have been blessed with and all of the blessings that continue to come our way. We hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Baylen's daycare-created hat held up much better than his sister's. Her pilgrim hat accidentally landed in the recycle bin and then we tried to use her Native American headgear, but unfortunately, the feathers were badly smashed unbeknownst to mommy or anyone else who rides in mommy's car. Needless to say, we tried our best to salvage the feather headdress, but for the most part, we were unsuccessful.
What plans did you have this year for Turkey Day? We ate at home and made a traditional dinner for the first time in a lonnnnnng time. Usually, Dj makes reservations somewhere and I eat steak for Thanksgiving instead (which I prefer). However, someone who recently turned five and learned all about Thanksgiving meals and how many people celebrate, requested that we make turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce at home this year instead. And, when your little beloved asks for something as simple as starting up this particular almost 400-year-old tradition, one can't refuse the request. After a hefty grocery bill, we gathered all of our "fix ins'" and made a delicious Thanksgiving meal. Instead of cooking a large turkey, we purchased a small Jenny-O turkey breast, which was the perfect size for our family of four.
We spent the morning at the Muppets movie and then after dinner, I spent from 10 p.m.-5 a.m. Black Friday shopping out and about. It was fun but the mall was crazy at midnight. However, I was able to find some great deals and gifts of all sorts, so that's always a good thing. I spent the majority of my time waiting in long checkout lines, but in the end, it was fun and my adrenaline served me well by keeping me awake all night long.
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