Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My students are so smart

After reading Freedom at Midnight, a very detailed, difficult non-fiction book, I feel like many of my kids ended up liking it. This book is about the partition of India and there's lots about Gandhi in it too. I really did enjoy reading this book despite the length and the fact that I had to fit reading it into my already busy schedule, but I don't regret staying up many late nights to finish it. I learned so much about Gandhi and the politics of this time period, plus how Pakistan began and the history behind Kashmir. Very intriguing. Of course, I must admit I am partial to anything I read about history, especially when it is written narratively.

***This is a student's book--look at all of his post-its. He had a "system" he used to keep track of how he marked text. SO awesome to work with these kinds of kids.

A Prezi slide...this group beyond AMAZED me. Just go to college, already! :)

One group performed a puppet show for one of their presentations. It was REALLY great!