I am warning those of you who read this blog that from now on, I'll probabily be talking about my child's pee and poo activity on a regular basis...it's just one of those things at this stage in her life and ours. sorryyyyyy
Anyway, Brynn surprised us all this morning when she woke up and told me, "potty, mommy" and lifted up the lid to the toilet. I told her to go get her seat and stool, so she did. She sat on the toilet and minutes later, she was grunting away and pooped in the potty! I could not believe it! if potty training her is going to be this easy, sign me up! LOL
I included some pics of little Bee blowing bubbles, her new favorite thing to do. Every day when we get home, she asks if we can go out and play bubbles. Sometimes it's too cold or too windy out, and since she's had a bit of a runny nose and a cough, I have decided we can only go out on warmer days to try and keep her healthy enough until I am done w/ school.
I have been working hard to get rid of her "mimi" (AKA Pacifier) when we're driving in the car. So far, 3 days down after daycare and no mimi. Now, we have had some tantrums, but I have invented this little game I play with her as we drive home. I tell her to look out the window and find the doggie...or I ask her, "Brynnie, do you see that kitty cat out your window?" and she always says, "yeah...mommy out window: kitty cat...meow" We go through all the animals and she'll say, "mommy...out window" and then I'll ask her..."What do you see, Brynn?" And she'll say "horsie...neigh" or "Sheep...baa" or "Duckie...on the water...quack quack" it's so cute and I am soooo thankful this little make-believe game has been working. I need to try and get it on tape somehow b/c it's quite funny all of the animals she comes up with that she "sees" outside on our way home. Sometimes we do actually see some of these animals, like doggies and horses..and the occasional duckie. :) I am waiting for the day she sees Elmo out the window. LOL