Thursday, March 26, 2009

Post-surgery update

Baylen's surgery went well. He's been a little sleepy today, but overall, it was a smooth procedure. He was very scared when I took him into surgery and they put the gas mask on his little face. Luckily, they let me hold him until he had inhaled enough of the gas that they could lay him down and he wouldn't struggle or start crying. Talk about a freaky moment. Then I kissed him and as I was leaving, I became emotional...after all, this is my little mister we're talking about here. As I exited, we were told to go back to the waiting room and they would call us back when he was close to waking up. Bay was in there all of 10-15 minutes and then we were called back to recovery and as soon as we arrived, he started waking up. He was definitely confused and a little disoriented when waking up, but he recognized us quickly and clung on tight once I was able to pick him up. He was SO hungry by the time the surgery was finished so he drank 8 oz of formula quite quickly. Dr. S. mentioned that he had quite a bit of fluid in his left ear, so we're thinking he had another ear infection...glad we got the tubes when we did. We have to put ear drops in his ears for the next few days and he had tiny pieces of cotton in them when we woke from surgery. I'm hoping he'll sleep well tonight.

Baylen was TOTALLY laughing at me when I put on the "scrub" outfit. He found it quite hilarious and was so curious, wondering why mommy was wearing such a weird get-up.


Erin said...

I am so glad things went well!

Samantha said...

I'm glad Baylen's surgery went well! Henry had a check-up today and was hoping they would talk tubes but no such luck! I hope they help him be a happier little guy!

Unknown said...

Glad everything went well. Hope this helps him, poor guy!

Briana said...

I'm so glad it went well and that it's over now. Hopefully that's the end of ear infections for him now.

Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

I am so glad it went well and that it's over now. I don't blame you for being emotional; I bet it was tough! Hopefully this will be the fix