Saturday, December 20, 2008

A visit from Santa

Our Tree after Santa visited

Santa came to our house last night! Brynn made sure to leave him some cookies, Ritz crackers for each one of the reindeer and a bottle of H2O. Despite the fact that Miss B has spent more time in time outs lately than anywhere else because she thinks it's okay to hit or take toys from her brother, Santa was STILL very good to her and Baylen.

Brynna really enjoyed opening all of her gifts, and Baylen did for awhile. It was so funny when she opened a toy, she wanted to open the box and pull it out and start playing with it right away. She would open her clothes and just look at them and throw them aside, not really excited at all! It was cute. Baylen liked his gifts as well, and I think his favorite gift was his big blue truck and his glowworm. Brynn really loved her cleaning products (broom, mops, etc.), her Elmo Live, and of course, her tricycle. She's been playing with all three non-stop since this morning when we opened gifts. Overall, it was a really fun family Christmas.


1 comment:

Megan said...

Looks like some super fun stuff!