Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Miss Bee

This little girl is such a joy.

She talks my ear off all the way home from school each day, telling me about her day and how many times she pee-peed and poo-pooed in the potty, as well as who gets time outs and who was sick. She's full of information, let me tell you.

She does not want the Easter Bunny to come to our house. She refuses to even look at him when we drive by him at the mall. She won't give him a high five. Thus, no picture this year w/ the EB and Bee.

Sissy is very excited to color Easter eggs this week, for her Easter party on Thursday and the upcoming egg hunts.

She has been doing so well with the potty training. I would say we're 80-85% there and almost 90% of the mornings she wakes up and is dry. She wears big girl undies all day and for the past 2 weeks has refused the plastic pants altogether. We have accidents sometimes, but overall, she's doing great. Because of that, she received her Bitty Baby doll she has wanted and picked out from the magazine on Sunday. She named her Juna first, then it was Mary, then Noah, and now her name is Baby Addie. She LOVES this doll so much and won't let Baylen even breathe near her.

She talks our ear off constantly.

Brynn sings constantly and her favorite song is "The Wheels on the Bus" and "Good Morning..." She will sing entire verses of songs one after the other. Maybe she'll be the next American Idol in a few years. haha

She jumped 57 times today in the hop-a-thon at school.

Miss Bee watches TV probably about 3 times a week and her favorite shows are Barney, Calliou and the Mother Goose DVD.

Thanks to my parents, Bees and I are going to Elmo LIVE! in May and she is really excited about that.

I'm signing her up for pre-school for the fall. I can't believe it's that time already.

Brynnie can recognize the letters B, O, Y and J.

She has been having some issues sleeping in her own bed lately. She thinks its okay to sleep in our bed instead. While she is not horrible to sleep with, I just don't want to go down this road again. She comes in sometime between 12-2. We're trying to keep her in her own bed, but she's a persistent little girl. ANyone else have this issue? IF so, how did you handle it or get past it?

BeeBees knows how to spell her first name out loud.

She is constantly asking "Why?" or "What's that sound, mommy?" or "What's that letter, mommy?"

Brynna knows all her colors but still confuses brown and black occasionally.

Favorite books: Click, Clack Moo: Cows that Type , The Kissing Hand , and, Llama Llama Red Pajama

Can be very sweet and protective of her little brother but then other times, she'll shove him down, hit him or push him in the face when she doesn't want him in her things or when she's being feisty.


Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

She is SO big! Wow! I'm impressed with everything she can do.

We're starting Ty in a preschool/center (they're combined) in September or January. I can't wait. He's ready!

Erin said...

I agree with Brynna, Click Clack Moo: Cows that Type is a good one :)