Tuesday, August 4, 2009

She ♥'s Mickey Mouse and...Sheep.

Comcast OnDemand has this show called the Mickey Mouse Club and Brynn has recently fallen in love with it. So she is constantly running around the house saying the "token" one liners from the show. Lately, she's been running around saying, "Say Mystery Mouse-kah-tool." I must have said it wrong earlier today because she totally corrected me and said, "No Mom, it's Mystery MOUSE-KAH-TOOOOL!" oops, sorry Brynn.

She continues to exercise her imagination, running around tonight telling me, "Mom, I'm looking for my sheep!" She says, "SING!" So then I sing the "Little Bo Peep" song while runs around with her hand over her eyes pretending to look for her sheep. Then she'll come back and say, "Mom, I found my sheep, but I can't find their tails!" So then I'll say, "Little Bo Peep, go find their tails, then!" And off she goes. Pretty soon, she'll return and say, "Mom, I found the sheep AND their tails!"


Bekah said...

She's quite the character, that's so much fun.

Briana said...


The boys like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse too. It's on in the mornings on Disney Channel here.

AndreaLea said...

Has she done the hot dog dance for you yet? That was the boys favorite part!