My baby girl. My first born. My sweet little lady is three. At three years old, Brynna Eleanor, you are quite an amazing little girl. You know all of your letters of the alphabet and some sounds associated with some of the letters, such as T is for tah tah Target (LOL). You know your numbers 1-11. You can say several words in Spanish: hola, adios, hasta luego, hasta manana, rojo, cero, Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, Jueves, Viernes and Sabado. You love singing "I'm a Little Teapot," "Boom Boom Pow," "My Life Would Suck Without You," "Sunday, Monday...," and "Here we go 'round the Mulberry Bush." You are still a good eater as far as trying new foods and eating a variety of things, but you definitely have your favorites. You usually request to eat at Red Robin or Applebee's when we ask you on the weekends. For your birthday, you asked to eat at the place "with the purple grapes" and we figured out you must have meant Olive Garden. :)
You are spunky, silly, and often cry when Baylen gets into your "stuff." You like to tattle on him and let me know when he's doing something he shouldn't be. Friends are very important to you--and enjoy them very much. Some of your favorite friends include: Madigan, Colby, Jacob and Elsa. You care about your brother very much and tend to "visit" him sometimes in his classroom or wave to/kiss him in the lunchroom. You say the most hilarious things and your memory is crazy good. You might hear a word once that you've never heard before and the next time you try and use it, it's in the correct context. You love to sing and dance, and you love your ballet and tap class. Every Friday you come home and show me all the new things you learned at dance.
You get frustrated easily. When you can fix something or get something to work, you throw it, freak out, cry, scream, etc.
You've been rockin' the potty goin. :) You love trying to watch TV when we let you. Some of your favorite things to watch include: Toy Story, Dora, The Lion King, Bob the Builder, & Mother Goose. You love to work out with your mommy (and you always ask me what level we are working out at and verify their names.) You pretended to lift weights using little toys until Cade gave you some real weights for your b-day and now you use those.
You love having your ears pierced and show everyone your earrings all the time. Your favorite toys include Baby Addie, your new TAG, puzzles, your Lite Brite, your Barbie and Barbie Dress, and your bath princess dolls. You also love when we find and listen to funny kid videos or kid songs on You Tube.
Lately, it seems we haven't had to put you in many time outs. You are doing better listening the first time or asking for help when you become frustrated, esp. when it involves your brother. Although, you have been talking back more. When I ask or tell you to do something, your newest responses are "That's not fair" or "Well, I don't want to." Sometimes you raise your voice and get angry b/c you'd rather play.
You enjoy helping mom cook in the kitchen. You also like helping set the table and clear out the dishwasher. Sweeping is another one of your favorite activities because you use your own broom.
Cammy is your favorite kitty and she enjoys when you pet her.
You enjoy wasting as much time as you can before bed. You are a night owl and would stay up late if we let you. You love to sit in bed and just chat and chat.
You talk for your brother and translate for him constantly. He's grateful for that most of the time, since your translating often means he gets something to eat or drink. :) I love hearing you talk sweet to him or try and show him how to do something.
You LOVED your birthday parties. I could just see the excitement in your eyes as we put your cake in front of you, and really just loved every minute. It was such a special memory for me to see you have that sparkle in your eye.