Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mister Mister sitting on the potty potty

Mister has been showing some interest in sitting on the potty and all things "pee pee" which he says constantly these days. So, we sit him on there. He never goes, but he gets it that he has to push his "parts" down in the toilet when he is sitting there. He is so funny and would rather pull all the toilet paper off the roll instead of try going potty. At daycare, his teacher is moving forward with some of the siblings in her room if they show interest in the potty. She gently trains if they want to go, and starts with changing them standing up for awhile first. Eventually, we may try some pull-ups in there to see, but I am not entirely sure he's emotionally ready yet. Although, I do know that siblings tend to potty train faster, and I'll take it, but I don't want to push him into something he's not ready for. If he decides he wants to go potty, then I'll cheer him on. Until then, he can sit on the potty for awhile and just get used to it if he likes.

Also, we are on night #2 of him going to bed without asking for a "mimi", which is his pacifier. This was not something we have been working on whatsoever...just kind of came about, so we're definitely paying attention to THIS window of opportunity and trying to rid him of that for good. :0 We are crossing our fingers it will work. :)


Briana said...

Good luck, hope this will be an easy transition to loosing the pacifier!

Olive has started wanting to sit on the potty as well. You may want to try having Baylen face backwards, the boys did that and it worked really well because they had something to hold onto and they didn't feel like they were going to fall in (they hated the potty chair and the potty seat). We'll start really training Olive around her birthday. I'm told girls are easier to train and yes, siblings train much faster. (Quinn only had 1 accident the day I started training him and hasn't had another one since. He was 2 years and 4 months old.)

Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

haha, love the symbol you put on his junk :)

Tyler is in the same boat as Baylen. Sits there, nothing happens, unloads all the toilet paper, gets praises and we do it again. He's sitting on the potty four times a day; we do it at home usually in the morning and at night - if we're home. We figure someday he'll figure it out :) We're not pushing, just going along with his actions.

I've heard that backwards rule with boys. Also, have him sit far back on the seat with his legs really far apart. Tyler did pee on the potty once and it went all over me because it's just not really in that seat thing.

Unknown said...

We are doing the stand on a stool in front of the potty thing... Blake would get antsy sitting but if we put cheerios or confetti in the toilet he always tries "pushing" to go so he can pee on them. Men! Seems to be working a lot better, he will stand there for forever trying but if we make him sit he starts whining after 10 seconds. I keep saying we are going to get serious about it and then don't... next week maybe? :)