Tuesday, September 30, 2008
probably won't...
be posting much more this week or weekend b/c I have a TON of stuff to do b/f Baylen and I take off for Iowa for 4 days. Mid-term grades are due tomorrow, I have 2 days worth of lesson plans to write, uniforms to distribute in VB practice on Thursday, as well as clean my classroom and pack...oh yeah...I haven't even started yet. Yikes.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Where my GIRLZ AT?
I am so excited for this upcoming weekend! I can't wait to travel back to Iowa to see all of my Theta girlfriends! It has been a lonnnng time since all of us have been able to get together as a big group. (I haven't seen quite a few since we graduated b/c I moved away and holidays were always busy for everyone.) I have managed to be able to see Megan, Abby, Nikki, Amanda, Bekah, and Stacy just about every year since we moved out here when we get back for X-mas and for summer vaycay. But, I am also looking forward to seeing Briana, April, Kati, Lizzo, Bekah, Ann Van, Sam, Laura Semlow, Becky Salsa, Ali M./Soukup, Jill Fox, and so many more!
I only have a few pics b/c I think some of them are saved in other spots, and many of my college pics where all of us would be in the photo are tucked away and I don't have time to scan any. I am looking forward to taking lots of pics this weekend!
btw: megan, we need to get one of JUSt us b/c I don't have one and I think the last one I have of just us was when I visited you in Cali a few yrs. ago!
anyway, here are a few pics I could find in my archive!

I only have a few pics b/c I think some of them are saved in other spots, and many of my college pics where all of us would be in the photo are tucked away and I don't have time to scan any. I am looking forward to taking lots of pics this weekend!
btw: megan, we need to get one of JUSt us b/c I don't have one and I think the last one I have of just us was when I visited you in Cali a few yrs. ago!
anyway, here are a few pics I could find in my archive!

Sunday, September 28, 2008
new pics up

More new pics have been posted in our gallery...look at link on right side of my blog..lower right-hand side and click on "Sarah and Dj's Gallery" and there's new pics up. Some of them are super cute thanks to Dj's camera really capturing their true personalities. We have matching overalls now, thanks to G'ma and G'pa Fitz, who bought Baylen's pair when they were out here visiting. Too cute!
This little Mister..

is saying "da da" ALLLLLLLLLLL the time. We are technically counting this as his first words b/c back when w thought he was saying "ma ma" first, he stopped saying it after like 3 days. So, obviously, his daddy is thrilled! I am going to try and get it on tape one of these days here soon!
poor little man is sick with a cold though! I hope he's over it by Friday b/c he's been up in the night 2 or more times since Wednesday. It's been rough!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Strike a pose
We had new pictures of the kids taken today at the mall. here are just a FEW samples. If you want to see more, try copying and pasting this link into your web browser. If it doesn't work, email me at sfitz@mac.com and I'll email you the link to see them all. They all turned out really cute. It was hard to pick!


Friday, September 26, 2008
This is B.S.
Okay so I am trying to find the SNL skit of the Sarah Palin parody with Tina Fey playing Palin b/c a few of my co-workers kept telling me it was quite funny. I access youtube.com and started clicking on different links trying to find the entire skit, but was having a hard time finding the right one. I come across one I think is going to be the money maker, and what happens? I get Rick Roll'd. As soon as the music and video start playing, I'm thinking to myself...WTF?
I have never been Rick Roll'd in my life and Dj was cracking UP that it happened to me. Me, being clueless as to what that means, figured it out pretty quickly. Let me tell you, being Rick Roll'd is a surprise. Whenever one is watching a video on youtube.com, for instance, it usually comes out of left field.
So, if you have never heard of this term, then click on the link below to find out what it means to be Rick Roll'd. Seriously...to be out of the loop about this particular thing doesn't really bother me...but really, if you don't know what it is, then it might be one of those pop culture things to just "know" about.
It's stupid but funny at the same time. Dj could not believe this was my first time getting the R.R. I can't believe someone has enough time on their hands to create stupid things like this just for kicks and giggles.
I have never been Rick Roll'd in my life and Dj was cracking UP that it happened to me. Me, being clueless as to what that means, figured it out pretty quickly. Let me tell you, being Rick Roll'd is a surprise. Whenever one is watching a video on youtube.com, for instance, it usually comes out of left field.
So, if you have never heard of this term, then click on the link below to find out what it means to be Rick Roll'd. Seriously...to be out of the loop about this particular thing doesn't really bother me...but really, if you don't know what it is, then it might be one of those pop culture things to just "know" about.
It's stupid but funny at the same time. Dj could not believe this was my first time getting the R.R. I can't believe someone has enough time on their hands to create stupid things like this just for kicks and giggles.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Don't have much
except I'm exhausted. work is crazy. i don't like my teaching schedule this year very much, which puts me in a bad mood by the time the school day is over. most of my kids are great....it's just i hate what i'm teaching this year. i feel like i am not getting anything done with only 55 minutes with my students.
bad idea #1: they broke apart our LA and SS cores.
bad idea #2: they broke apart the HONORS LA/SS core so I teach 1st period Honors LA and 3rd period honors SS. I do not have the same kids in both classes
bad idea #3: i teach 2 singleton classes back-to-back 5th and 6th periods.
bad idea #4: i have a 5th period class that has 14 boys and 4 girls. half of that class is special ed with IEP's and yet, I have no para support.
bad idea #5: tell me how i can have 18 in one class and then 26 in the next?
seriously, what is up with public education? the no child left behind shit is a joke, too. how can one teacher help so many students who are so low? i am continuing to question when things will change, not just in our school, but everywhere. plus, the fact that certain folks at our school thought singleton classes were the way to go...ughh. what a joke. can someone wake me up and tell me it was all a bad dream and i get my core classes back? please?
I want the same kids for 2 hours again. please. please. please.
hopefully this year will go fast and next year we can get our schedule changed back...b/c i want to be happy again and look forward to each day at work instead of feel overwhelmed and cranky b/f it even begins.
bad idea #1: they broke apart our LA and SS cores.
bad idea #2: they broke apart the HONORS LA/SS core so I teach 1st period Honors LA and 3rd period honors SS. I do not have the same kids in both classes
bad idea #3: i teach 2 singleton classes back-to-back 5th and 6th periods.
bad idea #4: i have a 5th period class that has 14 boys and 4 girls. half of that class is special ed with IEP's and yet, I have no para support.
bad idea #5: tell me how i can have 18 in one class and then 26 in the next?
seriously, what is up with public education? the no child left behind shit is a joke, too. how can one teacher help so many students who are so low? i am continuing to question when things will change, not just in our school, but everywhere. plus, the fact that certain folks at our school thought singleton classes were the way to go...ughh. what a joke. can someone wake me up and tell me it was all a bad dream and i get my core classes back? please?
I want the same kids for 2 hours again. please. please. please.
hopefully this year will go fast and next year we can get our schedule changed back...b/c i want to be happy again and look forward to each day at work instead of feel overwhelmed and cranky b/f it even begins.
Monday, September 22, 2008
My little homey "g"
Yep, here he is! This is actually an outfit we bought for our nephew, Parker, before he was born and Kemily sent it to us for Baylen to wear. I tried it on him and it's actually tight on him, so he only got to wear it once. Nonetheless, he's still my little homey. :)

reppin' the westsiiiiiide...haha

reppin' the westsiiiiiide...haha

Check these out!

Aren't they awesome?! I found them at Target in the little kids/toddler's slipper section. I wish they made them in adult sizes. I would so buy a pair for myself! They are a little a big on Bee right now, but they are so cute we had to pull them out early. She also has a new, cool pair of Dora slippers she received from her friend, Cade she'll have to sport here pretty soon too! :)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
New movies
I posted some new movies up on MY gallery site. There's a link on right side of my blog to go view them. I think at least 3 of them are Baylen movies. I have a LOT more to post so I am hoping to post at least one a week or so, maybe more. I thought if I posted them there, then I wouldn't take up so much space on my blog.
So go check them out when you have some free time! :)
So go check them out when you have some free time! :)
Friday, September 19, 2008

is just around the corner. What is everyone going to dress their little ones in this year? Brynn is going to be a rabbit, or the HARE and Baylen is going to be a turtle/tortoise...you know..the Tortoise and the Hare! haha! Wait and see what I have up my sleeve for their costumes. Hopefully my crafty side will come out esp. for Baylen's costume.
I have been saving my Nip/Tuck shows for more than 6 months on my DVR. Finally I am making the time to catch up on them. I have been reminded once again why I love this show. Even though it has a lot of sex in it, the story lines are interesting and I have been watching the show for a few years now. I.love.it.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Gosh this little girl of mine....

is so freaking funny...
Conversation today in my classroom after I picked her and Bay up from daycare. (we were eating McDonald's and she and I were waiting for daddy to come and pick her and Baylen up to take home b/c I had to stay for open house tonight.)
Brynn out of left field while chewing on a chicken nugget: "Mommy, how was your day?"
Me: "it was really good. how was your day at school?"
Brynn: "Good. I play on bikes. I went on the potty."
Me: "Wow..that is so awesome!"
Daddy comes in to say hi.
Brynn: "Daddy, hi. how was your day?"
Daddy: "long"
Brynn: "ohhhhh."
By the Numbers
4: the number of girls who showed up for volleyball practice in the 7th grade on day 2 (the first REAL day of practice)
7: the number of girls who showed up for vb practice in the 7th grade on day 3
10: the number of girls who showed up for vb in the 7th grade today, day 8
18: the number of girls we need for a full team.
5: the number of girls on my 7th grade team who have MEGA potential.
13: the number of girls I need to find to add to our dynomite team
4: the number of years in a row 7th grade CMS vb team has won first place in the district/champions
Will we do it again?
I think I need to go out and recruit SOME MOREEEEEEEEEEE.
7: the number of girls who showed up for vb practice in the 7th grade on day 3
10: the number of girls who showed up for vb in the 7th grade today, day 8
18: the number of girls we need for a full team.
5: the number of girls on my 7th grade team who have MEGA potential.
13: the number of girls I need to find to add to our dynomite team
4: the number of years in a row 7th grade CMS vb team has won first place in the district/champions
Will we do it again?
I think I need to go out and recruit SOME MOREEEEEEEEEEE.
new pics up

Photos from Dj's camera of Bee's 2nd Bday are up on our gallery. See link over on the right side of my blog under favorite sites. Enjoy!
Monday, September 15, 2008
6 Months Old!

Baylen turned 6 months old on Sat. the 13th. I was a couple days late getting pics, but here are a couple. We had to try really hard to distract him from eating the paper with the date on it. As you can see, by the last pic in the series, he dove for the paper and began to eat it.
Just yesterday, this little dude tried crawling! He was up on his hands and knees. He even started "leap frogging" it, by pushing off the floor with his tippy toes and lunging forward. I just cannot believe he's doing this stuff already! He also spins all over on his belly (on the floor) and rolls all across the room in a matter of minutes to get something. He loves to play with all sorts of toys. Some of his favorite are a new musical light up book my parents bought for him, teethers, his jumperoo, his saucer, blocks to chew on, the Baby Einstein turtle, and Leap Frog caterpillar that plays music. He also loves paper...computer paper, wrapping paper, and tissue paper. He still enjoys stroller rides, car rides, and chewing on washcloths.
Mister is very strong and always moving. He has to be in on the action, no matter what it is. He knows when I leave the room and cries. He has been sitting up for about 2-3 weeks on his own and can go from sitting to his belly very easily. He squeals and laughs and babbles. He has said mama, dada-(once), and papa (once), although I don't think he knows he's saying them all in the right context. He loves giving kisses and loves to be held/played with. He would rather grab books than read them. He's starting to be more of a cuddler when he's sleepy enough.
He can eat the following baby foods: oatmeal, rice cereal, bananas, pears, applesauce, sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots and peas. He LOVES peas and pears.
He is still mostly on b-milk, but we are starting to transition him to drinking more formula during the day (at least 1 bottle or a couple ounces after having a 4 oz bm bottle)
Sleeping wise, he catnaps during the day. The past 3 nights he has slept ALL night. (9-7, 9-5, 9-6:40) which has been amazing and long-awaited. Right now he's sleeping in his pack-n-play next to Brynn's crib. We are hoping to get a crib maybe next weekend and get it put up, since he's started to get up on his knees and we think it's a matter of time before he tries to grab the side of the PnP and try and pull himself up/over and he'll fall out. We're going to lower the PnP until we can get the crib, so we're still going to be okay. But, I think b/c he rolls all over in bed, he'll like the extra space in the crib.
He is still my chunky monkey...Dj weighed him on our scale and he is around 19.5 pounds! Everyone comments on how huge he is! ha! His arms and legs are just so muscular, one would be shocked how strong my Mister is. :) He is completely OUT of size 6 months and moved into 6-9, 9, and 12 mo. clothes. He even wears a size 18 mo. in that Seahawks jersey he is wearing in these pics!
No teeth yet, but I think ANY day now, one is coming. He is still bald, but his hair is growing fast and is pretty fuzzy. Maybe i another 6 months he will actually look like he has some or a little we can comb or form into a mohawk! ha!

Baylen 6 months
Happy Birthday, to my Little Bee

My first baby is growing up so fast. I know I always say this, but two years have flown by. Brynna loved her birthday party and I am sure she'll be talking about it for a long time. This morning she was singing, "Happy Birthday" to herself and asking where the pinniee-ah-yah-ta was.
Today, she is having fun playing with all of her new toys. My dad assembled the new kitchen he and mom bought for her this morning and she came down and started cooking us mac 'n cheese and washing dishes. Baylen tried to take her dishes and she kept taking them away, saying "noooo, Baylen, mine!" Right now she is serenading Baylen on her princess piano from Cade, Tami and Brian. Baylen must find it soothing b/c he's sleeping soundly in his carseat. She'll have to play for him more often! ha!
Baylen loved the party too and just watched and played with all of the kids. He loved playing with Brynn's balloons today. He didn't mind wearing the party hat, either! :)

Brynna's 2nd Bday
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A Preview of a Great Party
Brynna's 2nd Birthday Party was so much fun! Thank you, Kati, for your Elmo cupcake idea--they were quite the hit today! (Dj helped me make them and he was better at using the black frosting than I was.) The kids loved Pin the Nose on Elmo and hitting the Cookie Monster pinata. And thank you to my parents, and some special friends who made this day very memorable. :)
Here are a few pics, but Dj's fancy camera has the bulk of them. Hopefully he can get to them and put them up online sometime this week.

Here are a few pics, but Dj's fancy camera has the bulk of them. Hopefully he can get to them and put them up online sometime this week.

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I'm so tired
really I am. Today all of this happened:
I had 5 preps today and have had 5 preps for 8 days straight.
I coached volleyball practice and have to teach all of the " drills" and the "how-to" to the 7 and 8 grade girls b/c my asst. coach can't for a few more weeks b/c she recently had surgery.
Because of that, my shoulders kill from spiking and serving numerous times. Oh and my back too. (Is this a sign I'm out of shape...probably since I haven't worked out CONSISTENTLY in like 9+ months)
I found out one of my students' moms prefers the ahem "Pretty WOman" type of lifestyle before she met Richard Gere/Mr. Nice Guy
I found out that same student can't read.
Our computer guy walked in on me pumping. yeah. not cool. shade was down and door was locked. still got walked in on, though.
I found out I'm getting 3 new student computers. Sweet! Tomorrow baby!
I had a massive sinus headache most of the a.m.
one of my honors students refuses to do any type of work in class that revolves around map and/or geography skills. flat out shuts down.
I have 15 boys in one class. 3 of the 15 have no clue. literally. I am not sure what is going on upstairs...clearly not wanting or feeling the need to be educated. anyone who knows me knows I would rather have a class of 15 girls.
I had 5 preps today and have had 5 preps for 8 days straight.
I coached volleyball practice and have to teach all of the " drills" and the "how-to" to the 7 and 8 grade girls b/c my asst. coach can't for a few more weeks b/c she recently had surgery.
Because of that, my shoulders kill from spiking and serving numerous times. Oh and my back too. (Is this a sign I'm out of shape...probably since I haven't worked out CONSISTENTLY in like 9+ months)
I found out one of my students' moms prefers the ahem "Pretty WOman" type of lifestyle before she met Richard Gere/Mr. Nice Guy
I found out that same student can't read.
Our computer guy walked in on me pumping. yeah. not cool. shade was down and door was locked. still got walked in on, though.
I found out I'm getting 3 new student computers. Sweet! Tomorrow baby!
I had a massive sinus headache most of the a.m.
one of my honors students refuses to do any type of work in class that revolves around map and/or geography skills. flat out shuts down.
I have 15 boys in one class. 3 of the 15 have no clue. literally. I am not sure what is going on upstairs...clearly not wanting or feeling the need to be educated. anyone who knows me knows I would rather have a class of 15 girls.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Today I am sad
I am sad because today I found out one of my students could be homeless.
I'm sad because one of my students can't see--she's blind and her parents won't buy her a new pair of glasses b/c she lost the last pair. She can't see ANYTHING unless it's close to her face.
But you know what the saddest thing is? Yesterday, one of my friends and colleagues had to say goodbye to her first child, her baby daughter, who was just 5 weeks old. They chose to give Caroline peace and let her go to be with God. And my heart just hurts for her and her husband. Sometimes I just don't understand why things like this have to happen to really good people. It just doesn't seem fair.
I'm sad because one of my students can't see--she's blind and her parents won't buy her a new pair of glasses b/c she lost the last pair. She can't see ANYTHING unless it's close to her face.
But you know what the saddest thing is? Yesterday, one of my friends and colleagues had to say goodbye to her first child, her baby daughter, who was just 5 weeks old. They chose to give Caroline peace and let her go to be with God. And my heart just hurts for her and her husband. Sometimes I just don't understand why things like this have to happen to really good people. It just doesn't seem fair.
Poor Danno Spanno
My brother was injured in his football game last night. He was playing in the JV game, caught a pass (a 10 yard-er) and fell down/got tackled and landed on his elbow. The blow to his elbow caused his collar bone to break in 3 places. We feel soooo bad for him! He is out for the rest of the season and in a sling. He will find out sometime next week if he has to have surgery or not. Hopefully he'll be healed by bball season and golf.
Monday, September 8, 2008
First word, Sicky, and Sittin in Style

Baylen has really been talking the past few days and guess what words keep coming out of his mouth? "mama!!!!!!!!!!" oh yea, who's the favorite! haha j/k!
Also, the past couple of weeks, he has mastered sitting up! He loves his new trick and has learned how to go from sitting to his belly. He loves to roll and roll to different places to get toys and also has started getting up on his knees. I can't even believe he's doing this already.
Oh and Mister has a BAD cold! he picked it up this weekend at the outdoor wedding. Poor guy is just snotty and coughing. I am hoping I can nurse him through it this week and he'll be feeling better by end of the week. That cold weather must have bit him. I should have brought a hat for him, but I guess I didn't think it would get that cold. I think it was more of the dampness in the air that got to him. Poor little dude! At least he seems to be sleeping okay.
Happy Grandparents Day!
Happy Grandparents Day to: Papa KEvin, Gramma Cindy, G-Gramma Ruth, G-Gramma Jacquie, Papa Dennis, Gramma Iris, G-Gramma Wilma, and G-Gramma Shirley! (pics in order of g'parents!)

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