Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Gosh this little girl of mine....

is so freaking funny...

Conversation today in my classroom after I picked her and Bay up from daycare. (we were eating McDonald's and she and I were waiting for daddy to come and pick her and Baylen up to take home b/c I had to stay for open house tonight.)

Brynn out of left field while chewing on a chicken nugget: "Mommy, how was your day?"

Me: "it was really good. how was your day at school?"

Brynn: "Good. I play on bikes. I went on the potty."

Me: "Wow..that is so awesome!"

Daddy comes in to say hi.

Brynn: "Daddy, hi. how was your day?"

Daddy: "long"

Brynn: "ohhhhh."

1 comment:

Briana said...

I love when they start having adult-type conversations with you! So funny!