Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sibling Love

Two posts in one night!

Baylen loves his big sister. Every time he hears her voice, he's looking all over for her and trying to see what she's doing. When she gets in his face, he just smiles and giggles. When she tries to play with him, or give him his paci, or wipe his mouth after spitting up, he is always just so patient with her and lets her do whatever to him. She's fallen on him, used him as a stepping stool, used him to help her balance and get up from the floor and he's never cried once. He is going to be one tough guy, I think. He just puts up with everything Brynn does with him/to him. We are very protective of Baylen, so I hope it doesn't sound like we just let Brynn body slam him or anything, but there are times when she's accidently been a little too rough with him. We are constantly trying to teach her "gentle" and "be nice, Brynn" or "be careful around the baby, Bee," etc.

Now, the question is, how long will that sibling love last? She's already hit him once (when he was pretty young and still in her hitting stage) because he was sitting in the Bumbo and she wanted to sit in it. It was actually a hilarious moment and she hit him in the arm...little Baylen didn't even know what was going on. Luckily, we have two Bumbos now, so Brynn doesn't have to share with him. (we got another one given to us by Brynn's teacher from daycare--she was getting rid of it)

--update: Baylen has been sleeping really well for 3 nights in a row. He cluster feeds from 8-10 p.m. but he'll go down around 9:30-10 and will sleep ON HIS BACK in the bassinet until 5 or 6 a.m.! Whooohoooooooooooooooooo...let's hope it continues. Now we have to figure out (when we get back from Iowa) where he'll sleep b/c I am sure he'll be too big for bassinet...he is almost too long for it now....he's so tall!) Also, Baylen has been trying to roll over. He is SO close!

In this 2nd pic, Brynn is trying to give the "peace" sign. LOL This was as close as we got!

1 comment:

Briana said...

Boy do I understand the poor injuries those babies received from their big siblings. Luckily Olive hasn't gotten it too badly (yet). She's been pulled off the chair (fully strapped into her carseat) by the boys because they were fighting to see who was going to stand the closest and then push the other out of the way. I freaked on them for that one. Quinn had it rough though. Logan was only 23 months old when he was born and that poor baby, he hardly ever had socks on because Lgoan would rip them off and tickle his little feet constantly. He also flipped him over in the bouncy seat a couple times. Trust me, the younger siblings make up for it when they are a bit bigger! Logan is always crying because Quinn hits/pushes/pinches, etc. him. But I must say, those boys are just completely smitten with their baby sister and are usually very gentle with her.